2019 Introductions
Latest introductions of Grand Kids Daylily Farm
Order the entire 2019 collection for $800 (save $300)
$800.00 Collection
Plaisance 2019 - 20" -5.0" EM, Re, Sev, Tet, Diu, Fr, 12b-2br - Melon with rose eye and ruffle edge of rose and gold above a yellow throat and green heart.
Named for a very gracious Cajun Lady of Scott, Louisiana who had a passionate love for family and daylilies.
Plaisace 2019 -28"-6.0" EM, Re, Sev, Dip, Fr, Diu, 12b-3br - Cream blend with red eye zone and ruffle red picotee edge above yellow throat. Fertile both ways.
Named for the miraculous saving of the Thai Soccer team and coach trapped by flooding in cave in summer 2018.