Plaisance , C. 2017 - 32"-6.0" ML, Re, Sev, Tet, Fr, 18b-3-4 br - Pink with red eye and pink midribs leading to wire gold edge above orange yellow throat.
Plaisance, C. 2017 - 28"-7.5" EM, Re, Tet, VFr, 18b-4br -Pink with white midribs and a light watermark surrounded by a darker band, chartreuse ruffled gold edge of knobs and hooks above a green throat.
Plaisance 2017 - 26"-6.0" E, Re ,Sev, Tet, Fr, 15b-6br - Pink self with watermark, darker band, surrounded by yellow gold ruffle edge above yellow throat and green heart.
Plaisance, C. 2017 - 26" - 6.5" EM, Re, Sev, Tet 20b-4br - Pink polychrome with yellow and white, white midribs, blunt sepals, and a chartreuse ruffled edge above a green throat.
28"-7" EM,Re,Fr,diu, Sev -Iris H. Weaver is a beautiful bright red with blunt sepals, midribs, with a nice ruffle gold edge above yellow to green throat.
Plaisance 2017 - 24"-7.0" EM, Re,Sev, Tet, Fr, 18b-3br - Orange with red eye and edge surrounded by large ruffled yellow-gold edge above yellow throat.