Forrester 2005 - 32" - 7.0" M, Re, Dip, Dor, Fr, Double 50% - Pink with red shaped heart eye and deeper pink ruffled edge above gold to faint green heart.
Kirchoff 2011 - 30" -6.75" E, Re, Ev, Tet, 24b-3br, Dbl 100% - Pink with cloverleaf yellow eye and green throat with bright gold edges. Awards: HM, 2016
Plaisance 2011 - 24"-6.0' - EM, Re, F, Sev - Love Never Ends is a beautiful cristate daylily; once established, the petals fuse to form a gorgeous bloom. It is a beautiful soft pink and cream white with gold filigree above a green throat and one of our most popular daylilies.