All Tetraploids (Tets) Registered by Grand Kids Daylily Farm
Adrean Elizabeth $70.00 DF
Alison and Carl $20.00 DF Sold Out
Allie Clare $85.00 SF
American Military Hero $25.00 DF Held For Increase
Anaclet Jean Plaisance $65.00 DF
Andy Nelson $25.00 DF
Annie Ruth Keene $10.00 DF
Anthony of Padua $45.00 DF
Autumn Zest $100.00 DF
Azora D. Boudoin $25.00 DF
Bae Rigby $75.00 DF
Billie Joe Harrison $50.00 DF Sold Out
Blessings Bestowed $50.00 DF
Bonnie's Pink $65.00 DF
Boss Hogg
Brenda Gilliam $85.00 SF
Brittye Jean $50.00 DF
C'est Doux $50.00 DF
Cajun Heart $35.00 DF
Cajun Spicy Bites $25.00 SF
Cajun Tutti Fruiti $45.00 DF
Cajun Wedding Bells $25.00 DF
Carl Pitts $75.00 DF
Cherry Blast $85.00 DF
Christian Nicol $50.00 DF
Claude Curole $25.00 DF
David P. Miller $25.00 DF
Derrick Lacey $30.00 SF Held For Increase
Dr. Francois Martin $25.00 DF
Edward A. $60.00 DF
Elsie Ruth $100.00 DF
Ernest Plaisance $40.00 DF
Evolia P. Curole $40.00 DF
Fantaisie Rouge $75.00 DF
Father Keenan Ryan $25.00 DF
Forest Home $30.00 DF Held For Increase
Forest Plaisance $15.00 DF
Franchi $100.00 SF
Gary's Joy $25.00 DF
Geaux LSU Tigers $25.00 DF
Gina Burns $15.00 DF
Golden Ladies $125.00 DF
Grand Kid Dylan $20.00 DF
Grand Kid Ethan $25.00 DF
Grand Kid Jake $25.00 DF Held For Increase
James Hemings $75.00 DF
John Grady $40.00 DF
John Pelham $20.00 DF
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