Abbreviations Key

The following abbreviations are used throughout the site.


EE - Extreme Early
E - Early
M - Middle
La - Late
Re - Rebloom
B -Buds or bud count
Br - Branches
Fr - Fragrant
VFr - Very fragrant
EMO - Early morning opener
Ev - Evergreen
Sev - Semi-evergreen
Dor - Dormant

Dip -Diploid
Tet - Tetraploid

Types of Blooms:

S - Single
Db - Double
EXT - Extended bloom
Noc - Nocturnal bloom, opening at night
UF - Unusual Form
Spd - Spider
Poly- Polytepalous , bloom has at least one extra petal and sepal

AHS - American Hermocallis Society

Contact Info

Grand Kids Daylily Farm
Willie Baker
10991 Rd 127
Union, MS 39365
Lily Auction Username:Redcajun2

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